Jonas Runa
Jonas Runa (Portugal) : Kyma
Spiridon Shishigin (Yakutia, Siberia, Russia): Khomus
Eddie Prévost (England) : Tam-Tam, Snare drum
Jin Hi Kim (South Korea) : Komungo
Location and date of release:
June 1, 2013, Venice (Italy); "Trafaria Praia" by Joana Vasconcelos. Official Pavilion of Portugal in the 55th International Art Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia
This project considers 'improvisation' a vehicle for cross-cultural musical collaborations which can result in a new musical aesthetic, in the context of art music. It seeks to develop the concept of “intuitive music” (Stockhausen), by applying the methodology not only to interpreters / Western improvisers, but to any musician, anywhere in the world. Two "musicianship factors", internal and external, were preponderant in the choice of the actual musicians. An internal musicality factor should be construed to intracultural level within each specific culture. The external factor is political, as planetary music, a metaphor of peaceful cooperation among peoples for the development of art and creativity that go beyond each particular culture.
The challenge launched the three musicians (Jin Hi Kim, Eddie Prévost and Spiridon Shishigin) was the following: "(...) the Aesthetics will be that of" free improvisation "... .Respecting each musical tradition, giving space to others , and attempting a new synthesis of different musical languages, based on musical intuition. "
Marques Carrilho, J. M. (2013)